Twirl Portals

Twirl Texture

Twirl Fade Power: Responsible for the power of the fade from middle to end of portal.

Guide Texture: Provides a guide for the portal.

Twirl Strength: Adjusts the tiling of the portal texture.

Guide Tilling: Adjusts the tiling of the Guide texture.

Visibility Power: Responsible for the power of the opacity.

Rotation Speed: Responsible for the speed of the rotation.


Edge Straight: Determines the straight of the edge.

Edge Tilling: Adjusts the tiling of the edge texture.

Edge Rotation: Responsible for the speed of the edge rotation.

Edge Texture: Provides a guide texture for the edge.

Edge Power: Specifies the strength of the edge.


Transparent Center: Decides if transparent center are to be used.

Portal Size: Determines the size of the portal.

Center Color: Determines the color of the portal center.

Depth Color: Determines the color of the depth.

Noise Texture

Noise Twirl Texture: Provides a guide for the noiseeffect.

Noise Rotation: Responsible for the speed of the noise rotation.

Noise Tilling: Adjusts the tiling of the Nosie texture.

Noise Texture: Provides a guide texture for the Noise.

Nosie Power: Responsible for the power of the noise opacity.


There are 2 types of dissolve:

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